PLS Donate Streams

Be wary of possible scams, I blacklist the scam streams manually whenever someone reports them to me!

If you have been blacklisted and think it is a mistake; join the Discord server & appeal 💗

This only includes streams that:

Owner: cluelessnova (in ROBLOX)

Assistant: Lerolerolero11222333 (in ROBLOX)
Marketer: Sussybro75 (in ROBLOX)

Join our Discord server if you want to!


Verified ℹī¸


  • ROBLOX Game category
  • Have a clean track record
  • (Don't be in the blacklist)
  • Minimum of 75 followers on twitch, 100 subscribers on Youtube
  • Stream with "pls" and "donate" in title for 14+ days total.